Sunday, December 21, 2008


Oh, how I wish I had pictures of the fun we had tonight.

While Dad worked to finish some projects on his '08 "honey do" list, the boys and I retreated to their rooms for some good old fashioned fun. After a few games of football (seven touchdowns) and Bob the Builder, C decided we should sing. He selected two songs and with that, "sing time" turned into an all out praise party! The two "favorite" songs he selected were, #1: "Get Up" (Mary Mary) and #2: "I Know Who I Am" (Israel Houghton). He can really belt out this part of "Get Up":

"What are you afraid of? Don't you know what you're made of? One of God's greatest creations!"

Both songs are a part of our Praise and Worship at Children's Church on Wednesday nights, so he is very familiar with them even though he is sometimes too shy to fully participate in the group excercise. However, I saw tonight that even though he is somewhat reserved at church, he KNOWS the words, GETS the concepts and LOVES the Lord!

I pray constantly that the Lord manifest himself through our family and through our children and I am seeing that prayer answered everyday. Tonight was yet another chance for me to witness God moving and it warmed my heart. Just watching C jump around praising the Lord while belting out the words with everything he had was a blessing. I must say, it even gave me a few songs to sing and one in particular came to mind:

"There may be things I do not know. There may be places I cannot go. But if there is one thing I know. Yes God is real. For I can feel. HIM in my soul!"

Praise God! G'night

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Beautiful!! My girls sing while they bake or cook and I LOVE it!. They will sing hymns and contemporary praise; it is all beautiful because it praises our God.
Your boys will have wonderful memories of those times. You're a good momma!

Lisa Q