Friday, November 14, 2008


I am a 37 year old Christian, wife and mother of two. My journey, simply described, is this: raised in the Church, wandered in the world, returned to the Lord (recently). I now seek to live genuinely, by the principles set forth in God’s Holy Word. I have always believed The Bible to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God and the final authority in every matter on which it speaks. But until recently, believing and doing were two separate things. I now aspire to practically apply HIS words to my daily living. You can read about the transformation of my heart here. Though I often fall short, I take each moment as a new opportunity to align myself with HIS will. I find extreme comfort in knowing that God is my biggest fan, that he honors my diligence, and he loves me unconditionally.

Speaking of love, I am “mommy” to two little boys that I absolutely adore. At ages 4 and 1, they give me daily doses of what I like to call Son-shine, filling my heart and life with infinite loads of love, laughter and laundry. I can’t imagine life without them; however, nothing in my journey prepared me for life with them. The amount of work and patience required of a parent is beyond anything I would've ever thought I was capable of doing and even now, I am a true work in progress. I have chased “balance” all over The Peach State (Georgia) and only now do I know that you can never truly attain it (because life is always changing), but God can give you a peace in your situation that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), so that’s where I am on that – peacefully unbalanced. I try to be intentional in my parenting, focusing on those things that are most important. I don’t give myself a failing grade for not living up to everything else. This has been extremely liberating when it comes to Mommy Guilt. I now accept (fully) that, yes, I am sometimes frustrated with my own children, I will always have loads of laundry that don’t get folded and hot dog night does not make me bad mother. I am growing in God’s grace in this and all other aspects of my life, which speaks to the total power of prayer.

One of my favorite things to do is talk to the Lord in prayer; Formal and informal, public and private, frequent and fervent. On my knees, on my feet, in my closet, at my desk, in my car and in my home I am thankful to God for this privilege. It has solidified my relationship with him. And since I believe the most effective prayers are those rooted in scripture it has increased my desire to study HIS word, one hundred fold. I love to talk with God about his promises and to have him talk back to me (through revelations from HIS Word) about HIS will. I go to him in prayer, he sends me to HIS Word, I go back to him in prayer he sends me back to HIS Word, and I go back to him…..well, you get the point. Our conversations are awesome.

Since, I know personally the struggles of balancing the Mother Load; I am so very compassionate towards women in this season of life, particularly those with children still in the home. I have blogged about it, social networked about it and have overcome many-a-hurdle by the testimony of others. A couple of months ago, I stumbled upon a ministry where seasoned moms minister to newer moms based on Titus 2. I look forward to learning more about it and one day sharing it with moms I know.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are blessed, entertained, enlightened and that you decide to come back.

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