Monday, November 17, 2008


I pray for my little boys everyday. Last week, the Holy Spirit placed on my heart that I should be more specific in my prayers and also pray unselfishly for them. I began to pray, not only for my desires but that God's sovereign will reign in their lives and that each of them would be led in his own way to advance God's Kingdom. Chase is so loving and is a giver to his very soul, he would rather give than receive - really. Bryce is a strong, leader type who is extremely charismatic and bright. I am blessed beyond measure to have them and I know God can and will use them. While on my nightly computer time, I ran across a blog written by another mom who was being led to do the same thing. God is so good. He brought Angie and I together, virtually that is, because I had a need to know and she - already knowing that which I desired to know more about - did not keep it to herself, but answered the call to share.

Angie wrote this awesome post listing seven prayers a day we can pray for our children, at seven different times of the day - "When they wake up, When they are getting dressed, While they are eating, When they go out of the house, While they are taking a bath, When they are going to bed and While they are sleeping" - making it easy to remember.

I was blessed by this. As the boys grow and do different things throughout the day, or I am led to different scriptures based on their personalities, gifts and challenges I will change it up, but I see it lasting a lifetime. My plan is to head to my local scrapbook store and make some nice little memo cards to keep in my purse, so I can look at them throughout the day.

With 390 (yes, that's three-hundred-ninety) comments on Angie's post, lots of other moms are praying 7 prayers a day for their little ones too.

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