Saturday, November 15, 2008


Chase loves to change clothes. No less than five outfits a day – if I’d allow. He claims he gets hot and when he cools off and is ready to get re-dressed, he can't find his clothes. This is like a sport to him. I have recently told him if he can’t find his clothes, he has to wait until I can help him. No new outfits without my approval. Tonight in the middle of what I thought was a perfectly normal rendition of Old MacDonald he paused to take off his pants. I had not heard of any bottomless 4 year olds on the farm. I said “Chase, stop! What are you doing? Why are you taking your pants off? And don’t say you’re hot.” The house actually had a nice chill. So, he paused, I guess waiting for the right words. Once the words came, he began to take his pants off again, exclaiming “Mommy, I guess my BUTT is on FIRE!”

Oh, my!

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