Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, the much anticipated age of 5 has finally arrived at our house. Last week, C turned 5 and it has been as eventful as he said it would be. So far, not a day has gone by that we didn't talk about him being 5. That's okay, I love it and him - to pieces.

It's hard to believe the little boy who made me "mommy" has grown up so fast. Really, it seems like only yesterday that my husband (who, according to my mother-in-law, once had his drivers license snatched for speeding tickets) drove only 10 mph from the hospital with this precious cargo in tow.

As you can imagine, our lives and hearts were changed forever. Yeah, there were the mounds of poopie diapers, the never ending runny noses, the bumps and bruises and the accumulation of all things BOUNCY - seats, swings, etc - but it is all worth.

Here are just a few things (well, slightly more than a few) about C that I love:

  1. - He is a tremendously loving and very protective little boy.

  2. - He thinks his Dad hung the moon.

  3. - He thinks his mommy is very smart. (a direct quote)

  4. - He thinks his Nana (my mom) is the most fabulous cook in the universe (and that's another quote).

  5. - He has settled nicely into being a BIG brother (yes, it was a transition).

  6. - He is the most verbal child I have ever known (and being from a HUGE family with over 35 1st cousins of my own, I have known quite a few children). His abilities to make his "case" and express his P.O.V. never cease to amaze me.

  7. - He can be painfully shy at first meeting but once he warms up LOOK OUT, the child can talk.

  8. - He LOVES family. Spending time with or just talking about cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and all things family make his little eyes sparkle.

  9. - Hearing him pray, absolutely melts my heart. He is getting really good at the Lord's prayer.

  10. - He is festive to the core. He wants to celebrate everything. He even told me recently, that right between Mother's Day and Father's Day there should be Children's Day. Get this: he so much wanted this to be, that he discussed it with his teacher a few weeks ago, and a little girl of Turkish decent shared with them that there actually is a Children's Day celebrated in Turkey and one on the books in the United States. So he is now committed to its revival, via our house.

  11. - He is learning to read and spell.

  12. - He is mean on a computer.

  13. - He has taken a real interest in cooking. The boy can really stir some muffin mix.

  14. - He wants to be a doctor-builder-fireman-police officer-ambulance driver-cook, who plays soccer and football on the side, when he grows up.

  15. - Despite his plans for football, he is becoming quite the basketball enthusiast. He begs to stay up past his bedtime and watch the NBA playoffs. L and I laughed so hard the other night when he blurted out "The other team is winning because Kobe [Bryant- LA Lakers] is NOT applying enough pressure." What? Where did he get that?

  16. - He loves to sing, especially songs about Jesus.

  17. - He loves books and storytelling.

  18. - When he was about 2 1/2, my mother-in-law, would have her friends call to hear him talk to them about the Bible. He remembered every single story we ever read to him. It was AMAZING, really.

  19. - He has a stubborn streak, but it is usually overshadowed by his sensitive,caring side.

  20. - He knows I am proud to be his mom. I tell him often.

Happy 5th Birthday, Mr. C.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday little man!!! You are blessed with a wonderful family.
C sounds like a great little boy mom!

Lisa Q